Monday, June 29, 2009

Heyloooooo lovely poeple who are NOT the hospital people!!! Hahaha.

So so, if you've heard I've been a patient at Alexandra Hospital for 3 freaking days because I was tested positive for the stupid H1N1 "babi" thing. So yeah I was at home sleeping when the doctor called and said, "Lyn Hanis, Im sorry but your test has shown that you are a positive H1N1 patient. Please call 993 and get yourself to a hospital as soon as possible and
avoid contact with anyone." And I was like, "huh ouh okay." Inside I was already, ouh shit all the needles and tests. Oh my god. So called 993 and they said, "Okay Miss the ambulance will arrive in TWO HOURS time". Think about out if I had heart attack at that moment I would have died already waiting for them to arrive within 2 freaking hours -_-. So I packed my stuff and waited patiently for the dumb people in the dress robes to come.

Finally when they arrived, I was brought over to Alexandra Hospital where I had to go through MILLIONS of tests and had to answer TONS of questions. Buhhhh. Do you want to know the funny part? Hahaha okay so when I was escorted from the waiting room to my ward, I had like this one guy about 2 Meters infront of me like "shooing" people away very VIOLENTLY and this other dude behind me like mopping away my FOOTSTEPS! Im sorry la okay I know its for precautions but come on! Mopping away my footsteps???!!! Hahahah hillarious okay. Okay so when I was already warded, the doctor that came in to see me asked one VERY STUPID question. Seriously I think that no one can get any dumber that this dude. So he came in with his robes and masks and said, "Okay dear whats wrong with you today?". Fuck if I can give a lamer face I would okay -_______-". I think he deserves more than that face. I wonder how he got his doctor's degree anyway. Then next the "SWABBER" came in. You know how she's dressed?? She was in full robe with the mask and gloves AND AN OXYGEN TANK! HELLO?? Like the air I was breathing was damn polluted like that. Fuck man. Hahahah. -_-"

Ooookay so my only source of entertainment was a TV with only 5 Channels. And the saddest part was that there was this HUGE window that occupies an entire wall which was covered with tinted wallpaper. I mean the depressing part of it all was that I could see clearly outside and there were like these Trees dancing graciously with the lovely breeze and I cant even open the window to join in -_- AND there was this small tear in the wallpaper and every morning I wake up I see this tiny sunlight passing through and THAT was all I can get! Erggghhh! Being separated from Allah's pleasures is seriously heartbreaking. Although it was 3 days, it seriously felt like 3 weeks. So sad I tell ya. When I was FINALLY discharged, I couldnt be happier to step outside for the first time after 3 days and feel the sun and the breeeze :D Omg, heaven I tell ya. Hey I might sound totally over dramatic here but let me tell you when you're stuck inside a room with only you in it and not being able to have contact with the OUTSIDE, it can do things to ya. Hahahah TRUST me. If I had to stay there for 3 weeks I think that I'd be going to another kind of hospital after this.

So now Im already home. Safe and sound. No more a H1N1 person :D
But im still being quarantined -_-"
I am so gonna watch transforemers tomorrow. MUAHAHAHAHA! I dont CARE
Weehehehe. Let me tell you what I miss;
I miss being woken up by the zooming cars in the weeee afternoon.
I miss being put to sleep by the radio :D
I miss my FOOD! All those food oh my god torture
I miss my coffeeeeeeeeeee ^_^
I miss NTUC at yew tee point, hehehe ^^
I miss Piano
I miss guitar
I miss my room
I miss my brother
I miss my family
I miss all the uneffected people (MA PEEPS)
I miss a certain person which I always do. Hehehee -_-"
So yes yes now I have so many things to do :]
Im so thankful to be okay and back home now.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ouh ouh OUH! I cant believe that my whole time in using blogger, I NEVER acknowledged this band before. Ehehehe. Okay so, the thing is I just love the whole get up of the band. AND AND AND, that their bassist is a LADY!!! Yeah thats right folks. A lady baybeh. Apart from Wendy from Firelight, Annissa is also another girl bassist that I just admire ^_^ Ooookay. Ouh yeah! Hahahaha the name of the band is Eyes Set To Kill. Got that? Take a listen :D

On another sicker note -_-" I am sick. Yes, yet again i have fall sick. Only this time its not that I only lost my freaking voice, but I have fever, flu, cough, throat swelling, headaches well the works. I seriously feel like cutting school tomorrow but heylo I've cut school on Friday and besides there's gonna be dance tomorrow. Man oh man. I have a strong feeling that I'll have to retake a module next year. FucK man. Damn stupid school. Okay the school's not stupid, its the management that stinks. Happy? ^_^ Sure I am. I'd be happy that headlines in the papers tomorrow says that "All students of RP, you are given a a term break. Please dont come back to school until further notice!" Oooooo yeah that'll be great. Heheeeee. Well I should be sleeping now though I seriously think that it's gonna be impossible with this coughing and sneezing and shivering going on here.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Now tell me why dont i always get frustrated whenever Im at home. So dont blame me if you think that I spend more time outside rather than t home. Firstly I wouldnt even call this a home. Cause a home is where you can feel safe in it. Cause a home is where you can find solitude in it. Cause a home is where you can sit and think all your problems through. Cause a home is where you can always run to whenever you feel like you dont belong in the outside world. Cause a home is where you dont get judged.

Well. Not for these people. A home is where these people avoid going to whenever these people dont feel safe cause thats where these people dont feel safe. A home is where these people dont go to find solitude cause there is never solitude at home. A home is not where these people go to whenever these people need some place to sit and think their problems through cause at home is where all their problems come from. A home is not where these people run to whenever these people feel like they dont belong cause a home is where they always feel that they have been pushed aside time and again. Cause at home, is where they always get judged.

Where is home for them if home is not a home for them -_-"
All you do is complain about the things you lost, but hell in the first place you never lost anything at all but me.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Okay why the hell did I smiled with my eyes minimised? ^_^

One things for sure, its in the AM and I have not yet turned myself in. Yeah its been a routine of mine to like sleep more than 12 hrs the day before and the next night, I dont turn in at all. I know its not healthy but I just cant help myself. Its like a horrible habit that doesnt want to quit itself. Oookay its not that I cant sleep its because that Im thinking too much. And when i think soooo much. I dont go to sleep. Hahahah simple. What am I thinking about? Hmmm Let me think. Nothing in particular and nothing too serious. Just thoughts. Share them? Well I dont know, things has been good for me so far and I dont want to ruin it. But then again things need to be let out in order for them to be settled i suppose. Okay lets see, I'll just say what i feel is appropriate to share.

First things first; I feel that school isnt fitting quite well with me. Why? Well simply because the so called "disciplinary-settlements" are REALLY unreasonable. Seriously, I dont believe that you'd need to repeat a whole module just because you're not present for at least three times for that freaking module. HELLO?? Ever heard of sick and tired?? Buhhh -_-" Unreasonable. AND the worst thing is an MC is not valid. What good is it when you waste your freaking money for an MC and you bring it to school and the fact that it cannnot help you proof that you're absent because you're sickkkk?? W.T.H -_-" Simple. The reason I've been staying is also because of Dance. If there is no freaking Cikgu Rahman. There'll be no FCUKING RP for me. MAHAHAHAHA. Okay fine I AM greatful enough that I got my flat ass into RP but I dont think I deserve to finish 3 years of my life on a tertiary education like this. ASSES!

Okay enough for now. Next for later. Hehehe ^_^

Birds flying high, stars when you shine; You know how I feel >_0
Heheheeee; Ouh yeah, I'm Feeling good :]

Monday, June 08, 2009

Okay so one very important thing before I fall asleep. These pills are really killing me. OKAY! SO;

A VERY BIGGGG HAAAAPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY TO MOHD FARHAN BIN WAHED!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!! My one and only peanut dude -_-" Okay peanut dude listen up! Hahahah. Happy 17th birthday and I hope that you'd have a prestigious one too. I've seen you grown from a man to a MAN! And hell yeah you're gonna be one happy dude in the future. Even if things seemed hard for you now, rest assured it'll all turn round sooner or later. You know patience is a virtue ^_^. Ouh yeah and thanks for being a nice friend to me and may Allah grant you with more prestigious birthdays to come. OKay I think my wishes are like all mixed up. No matter! Its the thought that counts. Gahahaha. I have so many things to say but I cannot seem to put all of together here. Hmmm.. Before I end this I would like to say that being a friend of yours has never been a regret of mine.

Okay yeah my english is really topsy turvy today and I have no idea why. EH YEAH! I have a present for youuuuu.. SO that i'll pass the next time we meet. Hope you'll like it dude. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEANUT!

Lyn ^_^

Thursday, June 04, 2009

What do you do when shit happens to you. Where do you go when shit happens to you. How do you cope when shit happens to you. What happens when shit happens to you? Hahaha what do i do? I stuff everything in one "big-tiny" box in my contemplated mind and shove it aside ^_^ Yeah thats what i'll do.

It sucks to only have 2 weeks of pathetic holiday. Espeacially when you have dance practices, classes to teach, days to spend unmeaningfully and thoughts to reconsider; 2 weeks is definitely nothing. I want longer holidays, Im not being demanding here but its just a simple request that im sure every RP student is yearning for.

So Today I spent the ENTIRE day at home -_-" Yes like finally! After a full three weeks of spending my hours outside of home, be it dance practices or school or hanging out with peeps or other things that requires me to not be at home, I finally get to spend an entire day at home. WOHOOOOOO!!! I love home(only when there's no one at home :D). I slept till like what? three plus? Took my time to bathe, wrote another song, watched a movie, cut my fringe(and its damn short now -_-"), did 100 sit ups(^_^ I have a completely flat belly now woohooo!), watched spongebob again and again, had my biscuits and coffee :D and LASTLY I got the chance to just let loose and release my thoughts ;] oh my god, you have no idea how relieving it felt.

And tmorrow! Going to watch shasha at Yew Tee point since she's performing with her Group, so folks! Come down and support! And after that going to go watch Farhan's gig at erm I have no idea where it is. Ouh and FYI its another Farhan, not peanut. hahaha. And btw peanut hope you're doing fine dude. And now I have no idea what to do.

The unreasonable jokes. The lame comments. The always laughing at me whenever I laughs although he never intended to laugh in the first place. The messed up sentences whenever he tries to impersonate "master yoda". The weird reactions whenever I talk about something he doesnt gets. The "can you please stop laughing???!!" whenever he wants to get serious and I cant stop laughing and I dont know why. And the fave, laughing about scenes from "dude, wheres my car!". Tsktsktsk, missmissmiss potato chips ^_^

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Okay so this are random photos of the events that had happened for the past few days. There are obviously more pictures to upload, but if i were to upload them all, then it will be a "pictury" post. Ahahah.

First and foremost there was Momentum 2009 which i tell ya, was a BLAST!!! It was absolutely AWESOMEEE!! Okay so the first day, my hair was made up to this very irritating bun with a fake hair "PASTED" upon my forehead and I can assure you it's god damn itchy. Second day my hair was AmyWinehouse-ish. Ehehehe. Overall I think the performance for both days was excellent and we got great reviews for both days as well ^_^V. Thanks a lot to Cikgu Rahman for giving me a slot in this remarkable choreography of yours and I am so honoured to be dancing amongst the best dancers I've known. And My 3 sexaye ladies! Hahaha Sista Emz, Hudz and Iraz! You guys are the best :D

Okay so the next day went to watch a workshop at Taman Warisan with Sis Emz and Brudderrr Asri. Hahaha okay so we didnt got lost cause all thanks to asri! HAhaah we sure learnt our lesson. And I did not regret going cause the showcase was great! And I got an instant shopping!

Then the next day, I went out to town with bestfriend and it was so funny. As usual, the laugh laugh here. The laugh laugh there. omg. Laughing was all we did. Before that I went to hand in the forms for both Aeron and Kiki's exams. Study hard okay guys. If you pass this I'll treat the both of you to ice cream!! HEhehehehe.

And the day after that met my awesome classmates at vivo :D We sat talked, laughed, problemized and took pictures. Well there's more pics, like I said. I dont want this post to be picture-fied. So can't wait for our class BBQ. Its gonna be AWESOME I CAN TELL!! So after that went to marina to meet up with yan and khai and farhan. They are seriously funny. Hahah thats all I can say.

Practice Practice Practice. -_-"
And did I mentioned that I miss you so much? Hahahah okay shuddup.