Heyloooooo lovely poeple who are NOT the hospital people!!! Hahaha.
So so, if you've heard I've been a patient at Alexandra Hospital for 3 freaking days because I was tested positive for the stupid H1N1 "babi" thing. So yeah I was at home sleeping when the doctor called and said, "Lyn Hanis, Im sorry but your test has shown that you are a positive H1N1 patient. Please call 993 and get yourself to a hospital as soon as possible and avoid contact with anyone." And I was like, "huh ouh okay." Inside I was already, ouh shit all the needles and tests. Oh my god. So called 993 and they said, "Okay Miss the ambulance will arrive in TWO HOURS time". Think about out if I had heart attack at that moment I would have died already waiting for them to arrive within 2 freaking hours -_-. So I packed my stuff and waited patiently for the dumb people in the dress robes to come.
Finally when they arrived, I was brought over to Alexandra Hospital where I had to go through MILLIONS of tests and had to answer TONS of questions. Buhhhh. Do you want to know the funny part? Hahaha okay so when I was escorted from the waiting room to my ward, I had like this one guy about 2 Meters infront of me like "shooing" people away very VIOLENTLY and this other dude behind me like mopping away my FOOTSTEPS! Im sorry la okay I know its for precautions but come on! Mopping away my footsteps???!!! Hahahah hillarious okay. Okay so when I was already warded, the doctor that came in to see me asked one VERY STUPID question. Seriously I think that no one can get any dumber that this dude. So he came in with his robes and masks and said, "Okay dear whats wrong with you today?". Fuck if I can give a lamer face I would okay -_______-". I think he deserves more than that face. I wonder how he got his doctor's degree anyway. Then next the "SWABBER" came in. You know how she's dressed?? She was in full robe with the mask and gloves AND AN OXYGEN TANK! HELLO?? Like the air I was breathing was damn polluted like that. Fuck man. Hahahah. -_-"
Ooookay so my only source of entertainment was a TV with only 5 Channels. And the saddest part was that there was this HUGE window that occupies an entire wall which was covered with tinted wallpaper. I mean the depressing part of it all was that I could see clearly outside and there were like these Trees dancing graciously with the lovely breeze and I cant even open the window to join in -_- AND there was this small tear in the wallpaper and every morning I wake up I see this tiny sunlight passing through and THAT was all I can get! Erggghhh! Being separated from Allah's pleasures is seriously heartbreaking. Although it was 3 days, it seriously felt like 3 weeks. So sad I tell ya. When I was FINALLY discharged, I couldnt be happier to step outside for the first time after 3 days and feel the sun and the breeeze :D Omg, heaven I tell ya. Hey I might sound totally over dramatic here but let me tell you when you're stuck inside a room with only you in it and not being able to have contact with the OUTSIDE, it can do things to ya. Hahahah TRUST me. If I had to stay there for 3 weeks I think that I'd be going to another kind of hospital after this.
So now Im already home. Safe and sound. No more a H1N1 person :D
But im still being quarantined -_-"
I am so gonna watch transforemers tomorrow. MUAHAHAHAHA! I dont CARE
Weehehehe. Let me tell you what I miss;
I miss being woken up by the zooming cars in the weeee afternoon.
I miss being put to sleep by the radio :D
I miss my FOOD! All those food oh my god torture
I miss my coffeeeeeeeeeee ^_^
I miss NTUC at yew tee point, hehehe ^^
I miss Piano
I miss guitar
I miss my room
I miss my brother
I miss my family
I miss all the uneffected people (MA PEEPS)
I miss a certain person which I always do. Hehehee -_-"
So yes yes now I have so many things to do :]
Im so thankful to be okay and back home now.