Hahahah yes whats with me with these kinda faces. Eheh trying to come out with different faces for momentum WHICH not a single soul has agreed to buy the tickets yet -_-" And currently I have six 15 bucks tix in my hands. Ooooookay. Any takers folks? Btw this picture was taken the first time that I went to Mustafa and bought Me BAGPACK! EHEHEHEHEH! Seriously folks bagpacks can reeeeaaaalllly change your life. Especially those ladies whom keep using the side-bags. Common man, change it!!! Hahahah okay now im bagpack promoter -_-" Btw, Mustafa is AWESOME! Seriously awweeeessssooommmeee. Why? Okay besides the fact that there are "OTHER" folks that roam the area (im not being racists here but seriously, these people really seemed to be roaming the place), the things that they sell there are really like CHEAP. Okay not exactly cheap CHEAP. But Cheap and the best part is that all of the items there are Originals :D Isnt it exciting?? YEs!! Now im jitter-fied.
So I was given MC for two whole days :D YEah baybehhh yeaaaaahhh ^_^. So im gonna update that tomorrow in school.. cause why? Its going to be maths and I can gurantee ya that my mind's gonna go an a Holiday to Vanuzuela :D
Till tomorrow folks.
What are you? Addictive?? I dont like addictions.