I guess you cant really decide yr own fate. Whatever you hoped for so much, does not always come true. You would have to be seriously lucky or blessed with so much happiness in order to get your hopes to come to live.
Unfortunately for me, im not someone who's born with luck or blessed with so much god damn happiness. Yesterday, someone took away my happiness by telling that someone is already someone elses. Go figures man, relationships arent really my thing in the first place. I was dumb enough to pursue this one deep enough. I guess i am at fault as well cause i didnt really tell him how i really felt. Or mayb he just didnt get it. Buhhh whatever it is, it doesnt matter. Im am seriously hurt inside and there seriously arent any words to describe the SUCKYNESS that im feeling right now. Imagine being left behind by someone whom; errghh! I shall not go on. It hurts so much. Im not gonna elaborate :D -__-"
Hello anyone?;