Heyho ppl. K long long long time didnt update...so ummm reasons...lazy ouhkay....ya its dat simple. k from 11 feb till soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many things hav been happening oryte...n i mean it...fuh u cant even imagine wat ive been thru. I made one big decision n um im hapi to say dat im sooooooooooooo hapi dat i made dat decision cos now im free from wat eveer i was caught in at dat point. Sori to u la if u got hurt but dis is me im toking bout... i cant b agreeing wif u cos dat wud b so fucking stupid u noe. Yeap. Okie dokey im glad dats over.Yesterday went to Jurong Library wif Nabz and Sha..huhuhu funi funi funi...mayb i'll tell de story some other time bcos ummm i nd to sleep now... i got THREEEEEE EFFING PAPERS TOMMOROW!!!Tata!CupiD says Bye!Ps: Dis song i put up is NOTHING RELATED TO U! If u noe wat im toking bout. I jus like de song OKEH!
zzzzzzz k am boring rite now...later b going to my granma's house..k bye..zzzzzzzzzz -_____-
Huhu look at de time...yet im still up. K 2dae's mly dance prac was lyk ummmm...lemme tink -_____- K first2 was ok cikgu was in a gd mood BUDDEN ppl start creating probs n den cikgu got fed up n he started shouting n banging de door....k so scary. Well who can blame him its not his fault to get dat mad....mayb we r not our job...hrmmm ouhk fine. After cikgu walked off we practised for sumtime den had our break. K here is wen things went wrong -___-. K i was so hungry so i ate lyk 3 packets of bee hoon goreng k so fat. Niwae after eating we had to dance again N coincidently my steps hav lots of turns n i guess it upset my stomach n ya wen time to prac for asmaradana i had to sit out cos urmmm i felt lyk vomiting but wen i went to de toilet it didnt came out -___- k boring rite...stupid bee hoon! urghh k so confined myself in de mly dance room but kind of Kak Nana Kak Q n Nabilah to accompony me. =)) K so fat Mon cikgu Ifa wants us to hav SYF prac...K GO!K after prac me nabz n sha went to lot one to buy our lovely flower...awww its so big n puffy..ok here's de thing we plan to bring it on Valentine's day n exchange wif each other BUT de thing is lyk Gynormous ouhk...cant expect us to bring dis big thing to school rite so ummm we decide dat its to celebrate for our 4 months anivesarry wif R.C...Hah ok den after dat we all went to Kak Q's house to watch a horror movie....-___- to tell u de truth it wasnt horror at all cos ermm firstly cant undrstand de language second we weren't exactly concentrating on de show =) so ummm ok. K after Kak Q's house me n NabZ went bck to lot 1 for jus walking ard n laughing at ppl...hahaha funny how de world contains funny ppl...but pity dem k.=( Rite so ermmm we decided to take a joy ride of bus 300 ya ok fat rite bcos ummm we wanted to waste time..k so we sit in de bus for one complete turn...heeee it was fun laaa...wat is our motive??? urrrr ok k so now already lyk 12:58 n im still not sleepy yet...wah miracle kay. Ouh ya btw dis is de flower dat we bought but unfortunately i oni took pic of mine...look how its smiles...so sweeeet rite??
k Bye!
Heyho... ouhkay...lessons at SP is ssooooooo FUN!!! NOT! haish....k lets c at first i tot dat AEM is so much diff from DnT but ermmm guess wat? its de same as a matter of fact it is SOO much more difficult den DnT ouhkay...ergh not having fun at all. But still can cope la cos dere are ppl lyk Lyds Meerah Yan Hairi Aqmal Luqman Su wana Iman yeap dis are de ppl dat saves my life from de torture of de lecturers...Phew! uhhhh ok...my life saviour =)) K ummm lets c ppl say wen u wonder bout another person often wen dey dun msg u or contact u or u r wondering wether dat person is mad at u or not...Ermmm dis shows signs dat u Like de person? am i rite? ouhkay....so rite. Yeap. K dh lyn cukop. YEAY!!! 2mr gonna buy de big sunflower thigy for Nabz n Sha...hah! n dey r gonna buy for MEEEEE!!! YeAY. haha ok dhK dedications for dis two couple...k u guys hor dun fight ok? U hav been wif each other for a while now...dun jus bcos of some uncertainty or misunderstanding wif each other u guys wanna break up! NO! no way pls dun ok...u guys r gd wif each other jus 4get bout one her fren say la...she still cares for u ok....so u dun feel dat way...n u...u dun get yr feelings mixed up..he loves u la k? Dun get other ppl in de way of yr relationship. orite?Ya so dun fight hor...plus Valentine's day jus ard de corner ok....soooo jgn mcm mcm... rite k get bck 2gether la horHehehe Valentine's day is for me to do my thing CupiD to de Rescue..=)Lives in de Ocean =) heheheCupiD
Heyhooo... k 2dae woke up at ard 530 errr k surprisingly early...so weird. K den nabila msg she's not going to sch wif cos she's goin wif ehkhem. RITE! ok den on de way to interchange i realised dat i left my wallet at home -___- k GO! Dad turn de car ard la. K watever den he got naggy and stuff.... Buh! k den got to bus 190 got dis one "Nyonya" fighting wif me to get on de bus. K... den met up wif Sha at bustop den go to sch...Buh -__- so boring. K watever den during sch bla bla bla...den after sch went to discovery centre....YEAY!!! so boring! actuali no la...boring got fun oso got...hah! ok GO! first up we went for de bomb hunting...k its lyk so easy cos de clues are so straight foward...ouhkay...den in between we entered dis one simulation room kay...so fun......-___- NOT! de oni "INTERESTING" part was dat de sound was loud dats all....-___- errrr k! den after de concourse thingy which was another boring thing ok. K den we had lyk a break...got reunited bck wif Shabil Haziq and Yan...haha wen de three of dem 2gether...woah u cant imagine de craziness la ok...haha and ya haziq was lyk burping and burping k i tried to compete wif him but den de burp oni came out later on in de bus bck to sch -___- stupid ok. K btw haziq so talented on burping ok? ok. Den shabil tk habis2 ngn die nye bla bla bla la.... den Yan was lyk jus laughing n ME? well i was laughing my guts out.... k attention evrybody I MISS BEING WIF 2A PPL!!! n of course i miss dem lar lyk Shabil Nizar Iskandar...Bubye to u guys.. HEY sad NAH!!! K den after we got bck to sch Sha wen to buy her ice cream den she wen home den me n Nabzzz went to lot 1 and looked at de SO VERY NICE CUSHION SHAPED FLOWER!!!! ARGHHHH I WANT DE ORANGE ONE!!!! ok fine...cant wait..hah ok we were lyk planning to save up share money n buy for each one of us ok? ok....ya so jus wait n SEEEE!!!!! ok so lame now got Homework to do....-___- Boring OUHK! so BYEOh ya p.s evryone b sure to make CupiD as yr Inspiration for Valentine's day haha...i'll b shooting all de love arrows! hehehe
CupiD at yr service jus tell me dun shy2
YEAY FOR SINGAPORE!!! gd playing by u guys!!! gd sportsmenship. even though the THAI'S played lyk watever and de referee was offsided but u guys pulled through. yet i still think dat the NO 7 guy from Thailand was a bit of an ASS! Hahah but still...so CONGRATS!!! YEAY!!!! Oh ya MUHAMMAD RIDHUAN!!!!! U GO BOY!!! haha his bandage was finaly opened wen he received de medal! hahak BYE!MUHAMMAD RIDHUAN!!!
3rd FebHehehs yesterday was seemingly fun. Hahs first woke up at ard 640, got ready den went out at 720 lyk dat. Met Nabilah in de bus den proceeded to interchange whr we met up wif Nabila. K den reach school...den cikgu reached school. well basicaly he was furious bcos erm not any of de guys hav reach dere...-___- yes dats rite fat la dey all. I called syahrul n ask him whr he was..he said he was at BOON LAY...Ya rite...figured out dat he was oni joking...kay den after dat cikgu was still mad bcos ermmm still no boys......First Syaiful den Ridwan ( is dis how his name is spelled or is it Ridhuan?) k watever, den Fursyam (is dis how his name is spelled?) haha ok fine. Den 30 mins..Firman den 50 mins later den Syarul and Syaruddin. SO F.A.T. K after practice n practice...so suprised dat cikgu did not scold any of us..O.....k so weird. Rite den after practice a few of us played soccer/rugby wif Firman Syahrul and Syaruddin..haha klakar k kiterang main...Meanwhile Sha was dressed up as an Eskimo sbab die demam, dan die sempat CAMWHORE..k lydia was lyk closing de goal door evrytime de boys wantec to score..haha k....in between i taught Syahrul how to play de Jazz tune on de Piano...haha left hand oni...still got long way to go boy...k after de game we stayed ard in de hall...k Syahrul and Firman made me n mirah "Melatar"..k after dat we went to lot to eat...half way my called "ANIS BALEK BUAT KERJE". K den Sha fat send me all de way to de Lot 1 door so kind of u fatso. hahaha mcm kesian kan kau muntah2...thx to me...sori k. Heheheh4 FebNothing much...im jus waiting to watch de SOCCER MATCH TODAY!! n its starting so BYE GO LIONS AND RIDHUAN!!! heheheheBye!
First things first.....haven update for duno how long....k lazy orite. Rite lets c...lets talk bout cupid..ya me. i mean not me literaly....cupid as in DE cupid. oh ya guess wat my parents change car again...boohoohoo i'll miss de hyundai matrix...errrgh....k now our car is the cheverolet Estate or something... k watever. ok so cupid. as u noe cupid is known to lyk spread love or something....errrrrr de concept is all wrong ppl. i dun spread love...i spread hatred!!!! Muahahahahaha!!! Uhhhhh Lyn merepek k... k la lets update...lets c mly dance so far de six of us keep getting scolded....n ummm de boys asek nk kene paggillllllllll jugak....come on la krg...pls tlg us....aiyo. k watever...den ummm im de new VP ok....den ummm a lot hw 2dae...den ummm 2mr go poly....so boring...n ummmm im so sick rite nw.....my voice sounds soooooo wrong...n ummm ya yesterday Ridhuan so cute wif de bandage on his head....n he is so hansem.... n ummmm im outta words...so bye!