Okay so this is so random cause you know why? Its 5.56 am and i still havent shut my eyes yet. Stupid I know. But what to do? I have soooooo many things to prepare. heheh. Ooo and to my coolio peeps who are definitely waiting for pictures. Im really sorry for the delay but here's the thing. The stupid email wont allow we to upload all 150 compressed files so i'll have to think of another way. so sooooooooooooooooo sorry.
And one other thing; FCUK! Since being on medication, I've noticed myself to be pretty jumpy most of the time. I have no idea why but yeap. I keep throwing my anger on people. Soooowwwweeeyyy :D Not my fault ok? Blame those pills. They SUCK. And Mael for the last time, they are not "gula-gula" eh.. Tkmo anyhow eh.. Hah okay I have nothing else to say and I really want to get some shut eye right now. Seriously. Like Now. ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz get it?
Hahah; Is that all? Nooooo
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